For the two weeks in between my main projects, I spent time with family, met with some great people, and traveled around in India. So there have been professional, personal, and family/culture experiences all mixed together! I started off in Chennai, staying with my mo…
Author: menon.nithyak
First Project Farewell
Somehow, seven weeks have passed since I left the States and embarked on this journey. During that time, I experienced stepping into a completely new world. Some things took adjusting to and I dealt with both ups and downs aplenty. But mostly I’ve noticed how much happ…
Ready for Rainfall
Wells are drying up all over India, and Gandhigram is no exception. In fact, the drought here is tremendous. Over the past several weeks, our side project has been to build, with the help of several local people including a hired concrete worker, a large (14ft diameter…
Project Climax
Yesterday, we completed one of the biggest parts of our trip to Gandhigram: the five-day BioSand filter training. From the beginning of our trip, we have been spreading the word and making as many connections as we could. As it got closer, we went around town to secure…